HELP! I bought the magisterial chest-plate, but I can't equip it. I bought your game guide and it gave me some stupid cryptic bullshit. I'm giving you a nine because you need to make your strategy guide more clear.
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HELP! I bought the magisterial chest-plate, but I can't equip it. I bought your game guide and it gave me some stupid cryptic bullshit. I'm giving you a nine because you need to make your strategy guide more clear.
Oh I'm sorry, is it the pre-alpha release version? That game guide leaves out the part where you have to get the 9 wolf souls disenchanted by Argo the Alchemist. Then take the mysterium powder to a workbench and craft a pendant of Magesty. Then you can equip it, sorry for the trouble.
It's a great game.
As I played this, I was brought through a story of a man's life. It was invigorating and overwhelming to see this mans sad tale of life. At the end, I believe the game was about athiesm. Once you get both endings, you realize that.
Attention: SPOILER!
The first ending was where he passed on and stated that he didn't know if he was trading one nightmare for another. The second ending, where you get clocks in every level and jump off a ledge at the end, is where he disappears forever and is dead and nothing. Most people think that this means they lost. Really, this is stating that Atheists want to go into nothingness, because they believe that if the world is corrupt and hateful and filled with death, then the afterlife may be just as bad, thus they want to disappear. The only reason I gave it a 9 is because, you made it so hard to find that out. All the puzzle is to much for the average gamer.
Games can be artistic . . .
I must disagree with your opinion. If an artist wants to express his feelings to the world, and he/she has chosen the medium for which they can to be a game, then they can do that and it can still express emotion and deep passion for what they do. You obviously do not understand the term "feeling." I don't enjoy you mocking them, in such a crude fashion. I tend to like those games! I will give you a ten, however, because the game itself was very good.
You do realize that I was expressing my feelings to the world through the medium of video games, right? "Intense dislike for pseudo-intellectual games that try to make up for lack of good gameplay with a message" is a feeling.
However, I am glad you liked the game despite the message. I knew a lot of people would disagree with it, so I tried to make the game decent, too - which I think is the most important part of a game: the game itself.
Perhaps I should clarify that I don't dislike art games, but I dislike bad games, and a fair amount of art games are bad - but have a sort of "if you don't like it you just don't get it" vibe tacked on to them by the authors.
Believe me, if anyone wants art games to exist, it's me. I just want them to be good games in their own right - just like, for example, Dante's Divine Comedy is a great poem even if you only interpret it literally, completely ignoring all the allegorical meaning.
So, again, a lot of people have had the same idea that you do - that I hate art games - but what I really dislike is that art games are being treated like a fad rather than a legitimate idea, and how so many art game makers put the gameplay in the back seat over cramming their message down the player's throat... although I must say, looking back, that I probably crammed my opinion down the players' throat quite a bit, too. Whoops.
Regardless, I'm glad you enjoyed the game itself.
You stole the picture of the zombie and traced it. The character was terrible. He looked like a bunch of different colored cubes. The shooting idea was strange, since the bullets just went anywhere BUT in front of you at the beginning of the level. On the 4th level, the zombies are to low to shoot, by the time you have got into the position to shoot forward. The jumping does nothing. It's useless! Overall, just get better at ... everything! I will give you one star; though, because it technically is a game.
A difficult adventure.
The first time that I played this game, I spent all the time that I could with my family. Eventually they all died, but I still was able to spend my moments with them at the end of the world. I tried it a second time on a different computer and I tried to see if I could save them by working on a cure at the lab every day. I only saved my daughter. I realize that there was no way to save my wife. This game is a a question, "how much do you love your family?"
It's a good game. I lost because I didn't equip the fireball. I had no idea that was good to have. The concept is great
nice game
We've seen this concept before, but I still like it. It's cute and has good artwork and programming. I hope to see many more games out of you.
Joined on 2/16/11